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Appendix IV

List of Written Submissions Received During Healthcare Reform Public Consultation (Individual Submissions)

Index of Submissions
(Listed according to alphabetical order and the number of strokes of Chinese characters.)

Serial No. Name
I0801 Jennifer Myint
I0802 Oliver
I0803 (The sender requested anonymity)
I0804 周建平
I0805 Hung Chau Chung
I0806 Poon Ming Chun
I0807 C. C. Hai
I0808 梁慧筠註冊中醫師
I0809 丁毓珠
I0810 Michael
I0811 註冊中醫師吳奕興
I0812 K.T. NG
I0813 Kennedy
I0814 李樂詩
I0815 Jason C. Y. Li
I0816 Johnson Choi
I0817 Ho Tak On
I0818 (The sender requested anonymity)
I0819 Dr. LAM Siu Keung
I0820 TSANG Siu Tong
I0821 陳紹輝
I0822 倪書航
I0823 梁樂生
I0824 (The sender requested anonymity)
I0825 Nck
I0826 Billy Lam
I0827 吳綺文
I0828 徐珍妮
I0829 黃學德
I0830 張先生
I0831 萬永昌
I0832 香港市民
I0833 余 兆
I0834 俞煥彬
I0835 (Name not provided)
I0836 Dr C W Man
I0837 黃志強
I0838 Sheron
I0839 彭穎芝
I0840 Angel Tai
I0841 香港市民
I0842 羅紹忠
I0843 盧大威
I0844 葉鳳珍
I0845 范曉津中醫師
I0846 梁度明
I0847 鄧耀明
I0848 周思藝
I0849 (The sender requested anonymity)
I0850 Godfrey Law
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1. There are 19 submissions which originators have requested confidentiality.
2. A total of 3,462 submissions are in identical standard forms.

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