Press Releases

Business operation of chilled meat traders should follow market economy principles

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A spokesman for the Food and Health Bureau today (April 26) pointed out that the business operation of chilled meat traders, like that of other food traders, should follow market economy principles.

The remarks were made in response to media enquiries regarding a petition by the Hong Kong Chilled Meat and Poultry Association outside Central Government Offices earlier today requesting the Government to allocate a site at low rentals to the trade.

The spokesman said that the Government has been in contact with the association through different channels to listen to the trade's views. The Government would carefully listen to the views and requests expressed by the trade, and maintain dialogue with relevant parties.

With regard to the trade's concern about enforcement action taken by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), the spokesman emphasised that importers and traders of chilled meat must store or process that meat in premises that have been granted relevant food business licences to ensure food safety and environmental hygiene. Food that must be stored in licensed cold stores or cold storage facilities of other licensed premises is not limited to chilled meat and poultry, but also milk beverages, frozen confections, chilled seafood, etc. They are all subject to a consistent set of requirements and enforcement standards by the FEHD.

The spokesman said, "There is no certainty or assurance as to the hygiene conditions and facilities of premises without a food business licence. For instance, there may be a lack of steady electricity supply to maintain the temperature of refrigeration facilities, as well as deficiencies in the provision of mains water, sanitary fitments and lighting. Therefore, storing and processing chilled meat in these premises presents a considerable food safety risk.

"We appeal to the trade to abide by the rules and exercise self-discipline. If chilled meat traders wish to apply for the relevant food business licences, the FEHD is prepared to explain to them the requirements concerned and will take into full account their mode of operation when considering their applications. As a matter of fact, there have been newly issued cold store licences in recent years, as well as successful applications for the relevant licence by individual traders to operate their chilled and frozen meat business legally. This shows that the existing licensing regime is working well."

As regards the request to allocate a site to the trade, the spokesman said that the nature and mode of operation of the chilled meat importation business are not the same as for fresh foods. Additionally, Hong Kong has a well developed logistics industry and a large-scale cold storage business. While noting that the chilled meat trading business may have certain unique features regarding its operation, the trade should first approach the market and discuss with cold store operators a commercial arrangement for securing appropriate premises in the long term.

Ends/Thursday, April 26, 2012
Issued at HKT 18:07


12 Apr 2019