Press Releases

Acting SFH deeply concerned about delay in handling a baby dead body incident

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The Acting Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Gabriel Leung, today (October 22) expressed deep concern about an incident at the mortuary of Princess Margaret Hospital involving delay in handling the dead body of a baby.

Professor Leung expressed his deep regret at the incident and sent his apology to the family concerned. The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) has instructed the Hospital Authority (HA) to thoroughly investigate into the matter and submit a report to the FHB within two weeks. HA should at the same time give a detailed explanation to the family.

"Hospital staff should observe strictly the procedures and guidelines on handling of bodies of deceased patients, and avoid the recurrence of similar incidents," Professor Leung said.

Ends/Friday, October 22, 2010
Issued at HKT 23:51


12 Apr 2019