Press Releases

Proactive measures taken to guard against mosquito breeding

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The Anti-Mosquito Steering Committee (AMSC) held a meeting today (October 7) to coordinate government efforts and direct departments to take proactive and strategic anti-mosquito measures to contain the problem.

The AMSC is chaired by the Permanent Secretary for Food and Health (Food), Mrs Marion Lai, and comprises representatives of a number of policy bureaux and departments.

Representatives of policy bureaux and departments briefed the meeting on their anti-mosquito work and strategies this year, as well as the anti-mosquito measures initiated in response to the recent local confirmed cases of dengue fever. The meeting considered that the active participation of the community was crucial to the effectiveness of mosquito control work. Mrs Lai urged the various policy bureaux and departments to enhance cooperation and intensify their mosquito prevention and control work. For example, anti-mosquito efforts should be strengthened at problematic spots and the effectiveness of the work involved should be reviewed from time to time.

The meeting noted that the ovitrap indices from January to August 2010 are on average lower than those of the same periods of last year and of 2000 to 2008. During this summer's rainy season, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) convened 25 inter-departmental meetings and enhanced the coordination of anti-mosquito efforts at the district level. At the same time, the FEHD will explore widening the coverage of ovitrap surveillance with a view to strengthening the monitoring of the breeding of Aedes albopictus.

The meeting also discussed strengthening the alert mechanism, exploring ways to enhance the existing web-based platform in order to further facilitate the exchange of information regarding mosquito prevention work and the mosquito problem among government departments, and enabling the release of information to the public more quickly.

The meeting also agreed that publicity and public education should be stepped up so that the public could better understand the importance of mosquito prevention.

The meeting expressed the belief that, with concerted efforts and continuous vigilance on the part of the Government, local organisations, estate management bodies and the public, the mosquito problem could be effectively tackled.

Ends/Thursday, October 7, 2010
Issued at HKT 19:16


12 Apr 2019