Press Releases

SFH visits Guangzhou (with photos)

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The Secretary for Food and Health, Dr York Chow, left for Guangzhou today (September 15) for a two-day visit to tour the Asian Games equestrian competition venue and attend the 13th Plenary of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference. The 16th Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou from November 12 to 27 this year. This is the first international equestrian event hosted on the Mainland.

Dr Chow will first arrive at the equine disease-free zone in Conghua City, Guangzhou Municipality, to visit the Asian Games equestrian competition venue. He will also take the opportunity to learn more about the preparations for the quarantine and prevention of disease of the horses participating in the Asian Games equestrian event.

The Food and Health Bureau and the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine signed a collaboration agreement on equine inspection and quarantine for the 16th Asian Games on September 10. The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) will provide technical support and training to the inspection and quarantine authorities of the Mainland under the agreement. During the event period, the AFCD's experts will also assist Mainland authorities in relation to the quarantine of participating horses. Both sides also agree to work closely on various areas of the equestrian events, including the construction of an equine disease-free zone, veterinary services, transportation of horses, and stable and competition venue management.

After visiting the competition venue and having a close look at the preparations for quarantine and inspection, Dr Chow will meet officials of the Guangdong Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, and call on the Department of Health of Guangdong Province in the morning of September 16 to discuss issues of mutual concern with relevant officials.

He will then join the Chief Executive and the Hong Kong delegation to attend the 13th Plenary of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference in the afternoon, and return to Hong Kong in the evening.

Ends/Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Issued at HKT 15:02


(Photo 1), (Photo 2)

12 Apr 2019