Press Releases

SFH visits clinic for Chinese medicine in Germany (with photo)

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The Secretary for Food and Health, Dr York Chow, today (May 15) arrived in Germany to visit a Chinese medicine clinic in Kotzting.

Dr Chow was in the second leg of his duty visit to Europe which covers Estonia, Germany, Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

The Chinese medicine clinic is the first of its kind in Germany, rendering therapeutical services in the form of hospital treatments. The clinic, with 80 hospital beds, was set up in 1991 under a joint project by the cooperation between Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a German entrepreneur.

Under the project, China provides the entire medical Traditional Chinese Medicine "know-how" as well as other therapeutical, pharmaceutical and nursing staff as well as interpreters.

During the visit, Dr Chow was briefed by the Chief Executive Officer of the clinic, Mr Anton Staudinger, about the daily operation of the clinic.

The majority of patients are admitted to the clinic for management of chronic diseases. They are treated by Chinese medicine and western medicine only plays a supplementary role.

The clinic also carries out educational activities and scientific research, such as evaluation of efficacy and safety of Chinese medicine and establishment of a quality control system for Chinese herbs.

Dr Chow was also briefed on the regulation of Chinese medicine, including herbal medicine and proprietary medicine, in Germany and the government policies on promoting Chinese medicine.

After the visit, Dr Chow was invited by the mayor of Kotzting to sign the Golden Guest Book at the Town Hall.

Ends/Saturday, May 15, 2010
Issued at HKT 19:32



12 Apr 2019