Press Releases

Response to expression of interest exercise on development of private hospitals

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A spokesman for the Food and Health Bureau said today (March 31) that a total of 30 submissions have been received in the expression of interest (EOI) exercise on private hospital development, comprising 12 for the Wong Chuk Hang site, three for the Tseung Kwan O site, six for the Tai Po site, and nine for the Lantau site. Among them, 21 are from local parties, seven are from overseas parties and the remaining two are from joint partnerships of local and overseas parties.

The Bureau has also received nine submissions which do not contain any hospital development plan for a specific site but set out the respondents' views on enhancing the delivery of private healthcare services in Hong Kong.

"We will consider over the next few months the suggestions and views in the submissions received with a view to formulating the land disposal arrangements for the four reserved hospital sites, including the means and timing for land disposal, the detailed service and special requirements, and the land premium.

"This EOI exercise is not a pre-qualification exercise. The Government plans to dispose of the sites through a competitive process in future and any interested parties, irrespective of whether they have responded to the EOI exercise, can participate in the competitive process for acquiring the reserved sites," the spokesman said.

Launched on December 14, 2009, the EOI exercise, which aimed to solicit local and overseas interest in the development of private hospitals at four reserved sites (site maps are set out in Annex), closed at 5pm today.

Promoting private hospital development is one of the initiatives under the healthcare reform and a major government policy announced by the Chief Executive in his 2009-10 Policy Address.

Ends/Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Issued at HKT 19:35


Site maps of the four reserved sites

12 Apr 2019