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Genomic medicine

Genomic medicine is an important sphere in contemporary medicine and scientific research. Given its rapid advancement and huge potential in screening, diagnosis and personalised treatment of diseases, many places have actively carried out large-scale genome sequencing projects in recent years to collect genome data for cutting-edge scientific research and clinical purposes.

In view of the importance of genomic medicine to future medical development, the Government established the Steering Committee on Genomic Medicine (the Steering Committee) in December 2017 to map out the strategies for developing genomic medicine in Hong Kong. On the recommendation of the Steering Committee, the Government set up the Hong Kong Genome Institute (HKGI) in May 2020 to promote the local clinical application and long-term development of genomic medicine.

Since its full operation in 2021, HKGI has been working in partnership with the Hospital Authority, the Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong and the Department of Health to recruit participants and their family members to join the Hong Kong Genome Project (HKGP) on a voluntary basis. The HKGP, currently covers cases of undiagnosed disorders, hereditary cancers and cases related to genomics and precision health, has commenced since July 2021.

It is estimated that 40 000 to 50 000 whole genomes would be sequenced under the entire project. This would allow patients to benefit from more precise diagnosis and appropriate treatment, and help promote medical research and development to cater for the future needs of healthcare services in Hong Kong.

29 May 2024