Boards and Committees

Chinese Medicine Development Committee

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A. Terms of Reference

  1. To examine the current landscape and the needs of the Chinese medicine sector in the areas of personnel training and professional development, Chinese medical services, scientific research and development of the Chinese medicines industry, etc;
  2. To explore the future development directions and goals of the above areas;
  3. To set priorities for the development goals of the above areas;
  4. To recommend feasible strategies and measures for projects for priority development; and
  5. To monitor the implementation of relevant measures.

B. Membership (1 February 2023 to 31 January 2025)

Chairman : Secretary for Health
Non-official Members : Professor CHAN Wing-kwong
Professor CHEN Hubiao
Professor FENG Yi-bin
Ms HO Ching-ying, Ada
Mrs HU LEUNG Tze-wai, Jeanie
Dr HUI So-fong
Ms LAM Pui-yan
Professor LEE Chack-fan, GBS, JP
Mr LI Ying-sang, Tommy, SBS, MH, JP
Professor LIN Zhixiu
Ms LUI Kam-oi, Irene
Dr LUI Sing-leung
Professor LYU Aiping
Dr OR Ka-hang
Ms TANG Mui-fun
Mr TING Wing-fai, MH
Dr TSE Man-li
Ms WANG Huimin
Ms WONG Suet-ying, Alice
Ms WONG Yu-yeuk, MH
Mr YUNG Tsz-ho, Timothy
Ex-officio Members : Permanent Secretary for Health
Commissioner for Innovation and Technology (or representative)
Director of Health (or representative)
Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority (or representative)

Two standing Subcommittees have been formed under the Chinese Medicine Development Committee, namely the Chinese Medicine Practice Subcommittee and Chinese Medicines Industry Subcommittee.

Chinese Medicine Practice Subcommittee

C. Terms of Reference

  1. To study the needs for the professional development of Chinese medicine practitioners and explore means for the development of Chinese medicine practice specialties, in collaboration with the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong and the Steering Committee on Strategic Review on Healthcare Manpower Planning and Professional Development;
  2. To explore means to facilitate the collaboration of Chinese medicine practitioners and medical doctors in the provision of clinical services to patients;
  3. To explore means to expand the role of Chinese medicine in the public healthcare system; and
  4. To advise on the development of Chinese Medicine Hospital.

D. Membership (1 February 2023 to 31 January 2025)

Chairman : Professor CHAN Wing-kwong
Non-official Members : Mr AU Cheuk-wing, Dennis
Mr CHAN Kam-wa
Mr CHEUNG Yi-chung
Mr CHEUNG Yu-ho, William
Dr CHU Ka-wing, Kevin
Dr HO Wing-tim, BBS, MH
Dr HO Yuen-shan, Janice
Mr LAM Chun-pong
Ms LAM Wai-king
Mr LEE Kai-ping, Henry
Dr LEE Siu-pik, Peggy
Professor LI Min
Ms LIN Wing-han
Ms LING Alma
Mr LING Kwan-yee
Dr LIONG Ching
Mr LO Ting-yu, Eddie
Dr WONG Chung-leung, JP
Ms WONG Hung-ngan
Dr WONG Tsz-yan, Miranda
Professor WU Che-yuen, Justin
Ex-officio Members : Representative(s) from the Health Bureau
Representative(s) from the Department of Health
Representative(s) from the Hospital Authority

Chinese Medicines Industry Subcommittee

E. Terms of Reference

  1. To explore means to enhance the quality of Chinese medicines in Hong Kong, including ways to facilitate the implementation of the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice and Good Clinical Practice, in collaboration with the Chinese Medicines Board of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong;
  2. To set the priority areas of and facilitate research on Chinese medicines, in collaboration with the Committee on Research and Development of Chinese Medicines;
  3. To explore means to promote Hong Kong as a centre for testing and certification of Chinese medicines; and
  4. To promote the status of and explore business opportunities for the Chinese medicines industry in Hong Kong.

F. Membership (1 February 2023 to 31 January 2025)

Chairman : Mr LI Ying-sang, Tommy, SBS, MH, JP
Non-official Members : Dr AU Ching-tung, Dawn
Ms AU YEUNG Fung-ying, Michelle
Dr CHAN Kei-wai
Mr CHEUNG Chun-hoi
Dr HO Chi-ming, Ricky
Mr KWOK Tsz-ming
Mr LAM Wing-ho
Ms LI Handong
Ms NG Wing-mui, Winnie, JP
Professor SHEN Jiangang
Miss SUEN Wai-lam
Mr TAM Kwok-leung
Mr WONG Ka-on
Mr WONG Lup-hoi, Nicholas
Ms WONG Sau-wan
Mr YAU Fook-wing, Edward William
Mr YEUNG Kwok-chun, Harry
Mr YIP Yue-keung, Mason
Dr ZHANG Qingling
Ex-officio Members : Representative(s) from the Health Bureau
Representative(s) from the Department of Health
Representative(s) from the Innovation and Technology Commission

G. Enquiry

Address : Chinese Medicine Development Committee Secretariat
16/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Telephone : 2594 5875
Fax : 2116 2165
Email :
2 Jul 2024