Boards and Committees

Advisory Committee on Mental Health


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Dr the Hon LAM Ching-choi, SBS, JP

Non-Official Members

Healthcare Sector
Dr CHANG Wing-chung
Dr Amos CHEUNG Chuen-yih
Dr HUNG Se-fong, BBS
Professor Patrick IP Pak-keung
Dr Carolyn KNG Poey-lyn
Professor Linda LAM Chiu-wa
Ms Jolene MUI
Dr Peter TSOI Ting-kwok, JP
Dr Josephine Grace WONG Wing-san

Social Service and Education Sectors
Miss CHAN Sau-kam
Mr CHUA Hoi-wai, JP
Miss Vicky LEUNG Pui-ki
Ms Rachel LEUNG Wai-ling
Mr Ricky LEUNG Wai-kay
Mr TSO Tat-ming
Mr Terry WONG Chung-bao
Professor Paul YIP Siu-fai, MH

Lay Persons
Miss Angel CHAN Hoi-yi (Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth member)
Ms Lily CHAN
Ms Amy CHAN Lim-chee, JP
Mr Ikey CHEUNG Ho-yuen (Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth member)
Miss Linda CHOY Siu-min
Dr Ferrick CHU Chung-man (Representative of Equal Opportunities Commission)
Ms Shirley Marie Therese LOO, BBS, MH, JP
Professor Naubahar SHARIF
Ms Barbara TONG
Miss Sara TONG See-pui, SC

Ex-officio Members

Permanent Secretary for Health or representative
Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare or representative
Permanent Secretary for Education or representative
Director of Health or representative
Director of Social Welfare or representative
Director (Cluster Services), Hospital Authority
Chairman, Coordinating Committee in Psychiatry, Hospital Authority
Principal Assistant Secretary (Health) 3 (Secretary)

9 May 2024