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Appendix IV

List of Written Submissions Received During Healthcare Reform Public Consultation (Individual Submissions)

Index of Submissions
(Listed according to alphabetical order and the number of strokes of Chinese characters.)

Serial No. Name
I1101 (Name not provided)
I1102 Yu Ziv
I1103 chan
I1104 Whistney Wong
I1105 李大剛
I1106 一個正式香港人
I1107 C.Y.
I1108 呂志興, 何笑貽
I1109 張震
I1110 王可象
I1111 梁虹光
I1112 余偉麟.
I1113 註冊護士陳惠容
I1114 陳嘉敏
I1115 LEE Jiann, James
I1116 陳芷翹
I1117 何遠波
I1118 kong wai
I1119 會計界立法局議員譚香文
I1120 吳歷山醫生
I1121 Yap Tuan Gee
I1122 (The sender requested anonymity)
I1123 劉志康
I1124 Dr Foo Kam So, Stephen
I1125 梁宅仝人
I1126 Chan Siu Hing Alice
I1127 (Name not provided)
I1128 Thomas Chiu
I1129 市民何慧玲
I1130 譚錦聰
I1131 麥太
I1132 上環區一市民
I1133 (The sender requested anonymity)
I1134 cheng
I1135 傅小姐
I1136 譚國祥
I1137 阮愛英
I1138 梁洪波
I1139 梁森
I1140 (Name not provided)
I1141 (Name not provided)
I1142 姚愛珍
I1143 方正圓
I1144 (Name not provided)
I1145 207位市民簽名的意見書
I1146 李松光
I1147 Jaff Ho
I1148 Cheng Tao Keung
I1149 (Name not provided)
I1150 Miss Choi
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1. There are 19 submissions which originators have requested confidentiality.
2. A total of 3,462 submissions are in identical standard forms.

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