be strong
Your Health, Your Life Your Health, Your Life Your Health, Your Life

Appendix IV

List of Written Submissions Received During Healthcare Reform Public Consultation (Individual Submissions)

Index of Submissions
(Listed according to alphabetical order and the number of strokes of Chinese characters.)

Serial No. Name
I0501 Sam
I0502 張治明
I0503 (The sender requested anonymity)
I0504 (Name not provided)
I0505 Stephanie Chiu
I0506 (Name not provided)
I0507 martin abc
I0508 Stephanie Liu
I0509 Kenny KUNG
I0510 Linus Lo
I0511 yffffb1yffffd2yffffbdyfffff7 yffffc3yfffff6
I0512 Dr Chu
I0513 黃稼梅
I0514 Kevin Chan
I0515 羅小姐
I0516 鍾先生
I0517 Andrew Lam
I0518 (Name not provided)
I0519 (Name not provided)
I0520 呂先生
I0521 Annie Wing Chi Chan
I0522 Dr. Lam Tzit Yuen David
I0523 An HA specialist doctor
I0524 陳泰光
I0525 Simon Chan
I0526 YH Chow
I0527 Paul
I0528 w..SISTER
I0529 (The sender requested confidentiality)
I0530 (The sender requested confidentiality)
I0531 Michelle Wong
I0532 Lovely
I0533 TONY
I0534 小市民
I0535 莫小姐
I0536 Richard
I0537 (Name not provided)
I0538 林先生
I0539 Charles
I0540 Lincoln Tso
I0541 Alan Lung
I0542 楊翠芝
I0543 Andrew Wong
I0544 ericleung
I0545 (The sender requested anonymity)
I0546 Alice Choi
I0547 一個小民
I0548 路人甲
I0549 (Name not provided)
I0550 Chui Wan HO
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1. There are 19 submissions which originators have requested confidentiality.
2. A total of 3,462 submissions are in identical standard forms.

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