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Appendix IV

List of Written Submissions Received During Healthcare Reform Public Consultation (Individual Submissions)

Index of Submissions
(Listed according to alphabetical order and the number of strokes of Chinese characters.)

Serial No. Name
I0551 Phoenix
I0552 湛詩琪
I0553 Puddy
I0554 (Name not provided)
I0555 Small potato
I0556 黃 敬
I0557 Jenny Yeung
I0558 calvin calvin
I0559 chong po shan calvin
I0560 calvin chong
I0561 (The sender requested anonymity)
I0562 Joshua Fok
I0563 karl leftwing
I0564 江小姐
I0565 annette chow
I0566 William Cheng
I0567 (Name not provided)
I0568 Judy Loong
I0569 Dr. Kelston Wong
I0570 Penny Mak
I0571 choy sharon
I0572 j lam
I0573 wayne chan
I0574 Au ken
I0575 周玉瑩
I0576 Andrew Tsai
I0577 agnes tsui
I0578 kurven.chow
I0579 Doris Cheung Ngan Mei
I0580 低收入中產人仕
I0581 cheng
I0582 Forest KC Wong
I0583 Dr Edward Lee, Dr Sandra Leung, Dr S Y Ng
I0584 陳純菁
I0585 Rita Cheung
I0586 Cally Cheung
I0587 (Name not provided)
I0588 (Name not provided)
I0589 李先生
I0590 張冠海
I0591 鄭維港, 李建生, 王水林
I0592 Chau Wing Shun
I0593 黃以謙醫生
I0594 Name withheld
I0595 Ng Micheal
I0596 彭慧詩
I0597 Cecilia
I0598 Jennifer Yeung
I0599 憤怒的市民
I0600 (The sender requested anonymity)
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1. There are 19 submissions which originators have requested confidentiality.
2. A total of 3,462 submissions are in identical standard forms.

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