About Chinese Medicine Hospital Project

Hospital Governance and Structure

The Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hong Kong (CMHHK) adopts a public-private partnership model. The Government finances the construction and has selected by tendering a suitable non-profit-making organisation (the Contractor) to incorporate a company limited by guarantee (the Operator) to manage, operate and maintain the CMHHK. The Contractor and the Operator has signed a service deed with the Government. The hospital governance and structure, liability, financial arrangement, performance assessment and risk sharing mechanism are stipulated in the service deed. The core management team of the CMHHK has been appointed and employed by the Contractor, and directly report to the Board of Directors of the Operator.

(1) Contractual Relationship between the Government, the Contractor and the Operator

(2) Committees under the Board of Directors of the Operator

The Board of Directors of the Operator is entrusted with the governance accountability to ensure that the missions and functions of the CMHHK are upheld, implemented and satisfactory achieved. Six Committees will be set up under the Board of Directors as an oversight mechanism to assist the Directors to steer, oversee and monitor the overall strategic developments and operations of the CMHHK.

(3) Core Management Team

(4) Executive Committees under the Hospital Chief Executive (HCE)

(5) Hospital Administrative Structure under the HCE at divisional level