Tender Reference: |
HHBH2417G02T2024 |
Date of Tender Issue: |
24 January 2025 (Hong Kong Time) |
Procuring Department: |
Health Bureau |
Tender Subject: |
Design, Supply, Implementation and Maintenance of Personal Computers, Mobile Devices, Peripherals and Device Management Software to The Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hong Kong |
Description: |
To support daily operation and effective healthcare service delivery of The Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hong Kong, a list of personal computer, peripherals and software will be procured by this tender exercise, including:
(1) |
Personal computer;
(2) |
Notebook computer; |
(3) |
Monitor; |
(4) |
Personal Digital Assistant; |
(5) |
Tablet Computer; and |
(6) |
Device security and management software. |
Enquiries: |
Enquiries shall be made to the following persons no later than five working days prior to the Tender Closing Date.
(1) |
For general enquires
Supplies Officer (Chinese Medicine Hospital Project Office) 2A
(2) |
For tender documents
Contract Project Manager (Chinese Medicine Hospital Project Office) 4C |
Address: Chinese Medicine Hospital Project Office, Health Bureau, 13/F, THE HUB, 23 Yip Kan Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
Email: cmhittender@healthbureau.gov.hk
Facsimile: (852) 2127 4795
Tender Documents: |
(1) |
Digital versatile discs (DVD-ROMs) containing the tender documents (English version only) is obtainable during office hours (Monday to Friday (except general holidays) 9:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.) from Chinese Medicine Hospital Project Office, Health Bureau, 13/F, THE HUB, 23 Yip Kan Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong. Please contact Mr. SHUM at (852) 2127 4617 in advance for arrangement to obtain the DVD-ROM.
(2) |
The tender documents (English version only) may be downloaded from the e-Tender Box of the Procurement and Contract Management System (PCMS) at https://pcms2.gld.gov.hk. |
Tender Closing Date/Time: |
12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) on 18 March 2025 (Tuesday) |
Submission of Tenders: |
Electronic Tendering
The Tenderer shall submit the Technical Proposal and the Price Proposal:
(1) |
in accordance with the terms and conditions of use of PCMS and the e-Tender Box; and
(2) |
through the e-Tender Box through the use of any one type of digital certificates recognised by and uploaded to the e-Tender Box or through an Identification Code. |
Further information on the use of electronic tendering is available on PCMS at https://pcms2.gld.gov.hk, notably in the “e-Tender Box (ETB) Poster” and the “What is the Alternative Authentication Method (AAM)” under Download Area of PCMS.
Paper-based Tendering
The Technical Proposal and the Price Proposal shall be placed inside two separate envelopes clearly marked as specified below respectively:
(1) |
The Technical Proposal and the Price Proposal shall be placed inside two separate envelopes clearly marked as specified below respectively:
(i) |
“Technical Proposal (Tender for the Design, Supply, Implementation and Maintenance of Personal Computers, Mobile Devices, Peripherals and Device Management Software to The Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hong Kong, Tender Ref.: HHBH2417G02T2024)”; and
(ii) |
“Price Proposal (Tender for the Design, Supply, Implementation and Maintenance of Personal Computers, Mobile Devices, Peripherals and Device Management Software to The Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hong Kong, Tender Ref.: HHBH2417G02T2024)”. |
(2) |
The two envelopes shall then be placed together inside one sealed plain envelope (without bearing any identification of the Tenderer) marked as “Tender for the Design, Supply, Implementation and Maintenance of Personal Computers, Mobile Devices, Peripherals and Device Management Software to The Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hong Kong, Tender Ref.: HHBH2417G02T2024” and must be addressed to the Chairman, Tender Opening Committee, Government Logistics Department. |
(3) |
Tenders must be deposited in the tender box as specified in the tender documents (“Specified Tender Box”) before the Tender Closing Time. Late tenders or tenders not deposited in the Specified Tender Box will not be accepted. |
(4) |
In case tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 or above is hoisted, or a black rainstorm warning signal or “extreme conditions” announced by the Government is/are in force, for any duration between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) on the Tender Closing Date, the Tender Closing Time will be postponed to 12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) on the first working day after the tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 is lowered, or the black rainstorm warning signal or the “extreme conditions” announced by the Government has/have ceased to be in force. |
(5) |
In case of blockage of the public access to the location of the Specified Tender Box at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) on the Tender Closing Date, the Government will announce extension of the Tender Closing Time until further notice. Following removal of the blockage, the Government will announce the extended tender closing time as soon as practicable. The above announcements will be made via press releases on the website of Information Services Department (http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/today.htm). |
(6) |
All time references are Hong Kong time. |
Remarks: |
(1) |
A tender briefing session will be held at 1000 hours on 14 February 2025 (Hong Kong time) by online video conferencing through “Zoom” software and the briefing session will be conducted in Cantonese.
(2) |
Although attendance at the tender briefing session is not compulsory, prospective tenderers are encouraged to participate. A prospective tenderer who wishes to attend the tender briefing session is requested to complete the reply slip at Annex B to the Terms of Tender (Supplement) and fax it to Contract Project Manager (Chinese Medicine Hospital Project Office)4C on (852) 2127 4795 on or before noon of 12 February 2025 (Hong Kong time). The number of representatives of each tenderer is limited to three persons. Confirmation of registration will be issued to the tenderer upon receipt of the signed reply slip. Late registration may not be accepted. |
(3) |
Open tender is adopted. All interested contractors/suppliers/service providers are invited to tender. |
(4) |
The tender is covered by the Agreement on Government Procurement of the World Trade Organization. |
(5) |
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region does not bind itself to accept the tender with the highest combined score or any tender, and reserves the right to negotiate with any tenderer about the terms of its offer. |
(6) |
Details of the contract award will be published on the Health Bureau website at https://www.healthbureau.gov.hk/en/tender/250100_pmpdms/award.html |