Tender Information

Tender Notice

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Tender Reference: HHB/SPO/001/2024
Date of Tender Issue: 24 May 2024 (Hong Kong Time)
Procuring Department: Health Bureau
Tender Subject: Provision of Nurse Clinic Services and Allied Health Services for Primary Care Development

To provide nurse clinic services and allied health services for a period of 36 months to support primary care development.

Enquiries: Enquiries shall be made to the following persons no later than three working days prior to the Tender Closing Date.

Senior Manager (Strategic Purchasing)B
Phone number: (852) 3427 8151 or (852) 3427 2062
Email: ncahtender@healthbureau.gov.hk
Facsimile: (852) 3422 3636
Tender Documents:
(1) downloaded free of charge from the e-Tendering System (“e-TS”): https://www.ets.gov.hk/eTp_ext/views/tenderDtlsDirect.zul?token=305647fe1faef11afdde5b3308d9c2413d4e41cead7052b4ed6df1b14238a689; or
(2) obtained from Strategic Purchasing Office, at Room 4901, 49/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong during office hours (Monday to Friday (except general holidays) 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.). The tender documents (English version only) are in DVD-ROM. Please contact Mr CHAN at (852) 3427 3861 in advance for arrangement to obtain the DVD-ROM.
Tender Closing Date/Time: 12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) on 5 July 2024 (Friday)
Submission of Tenders:

Electronic Tendering

(1) Tenderers can submit the Tender through the e-TS: https://www.ets.gov.hk/eTp_ext/views/tenderDtlsDirect.zul?token=305647fe1faef11afdde5b3308d9c2413d4e41cead7052b4ed6df1b14238a689.
(2) To ensure successful submission, tenderers are advised to submit the tender as early as possible, in particular to avoid hasty submission within an hour before the tender closing time.
(3) Introduction of the e-TS is available at https://www.gov.hk/tc/theme/etendering/downloads/video/Introduction.mp4. User manuals and videos can be found in the e-TS for you to learn more about the operating process. If you encounter any technical problems on the use of the e-TS, please contact the helpdesk of the e-TS through email at info@ets.gov.hk or by phone at (852) 6310 9329.

Paper-based Tendering

The Price Proposal and the Technical Proposal shall be placed and sealed in two separate envelopes clearly marked as specified below respectively:

(1) “Envelope A” and “Tender for the Provision of Nurse Clinic Services and Allied Health Services for Primary Care Development – Price Proposal” and
(2) “Envelope B” and “Tender for the Provision of Nurse Clinic Services and Allied Health Services for Primary Care Development – Technical Proposal”.

The two envelopes shall then be placed together inside one sealed plain envelope (without bearing any identification of the Tenderer) marked “Tender for the Provision of Nurse Clinic Services and Allied Health Services for Primary Care Development” and addressed to the Chairman, Central Tender Board and deposited in the Government Secretariat Tender Box situated at the Lobby of the Public Entrance on the Ground Floor, East Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong (“Specified Tender Box”) before 12:00 noon on the Tender Closing Date. Late tenders or tenders not deposited in the Specified Tender Box will not be accepted.

In case of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted, or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or “extreme conditions” announced by the Government is/are in force, for any duration between 0900 and 1200 hours on the Tender Closing Date, the latest date and time before which Tenders are to be deposited in the Specified Tender Box and at the e-TS will be extended to 1200 hours on the next working day.

In case of blockage of the public access to the location of the Specified Tender Box at any time between 0900 and 1200 hours on the Tender Closing Date, the Government will announce extension of the Tender Closing Date until further notice. Following removal of the blockage, the Government will announce the extended tender closing date and time as soon as practicable. The above announcements will be made via press releases on the website of Information Services Department (https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/today.htm).

All time reference are Hong Kong time.

  1. An online tender briefing session, conducted in Cantonese, will be held at 1430 hours on 05 June 2024 by online video conferencing.
  2. Participation to the tender briefing session is not compulsory. Prospective tenderers are encouraged to join. A prospective tenderer who wishes to join the tender briefing session is requested to complete the reply slip at Annex F to the Terms of Tender and email it to Manager (Strategic Purchasing) N to ncahtender@healthbureau.gov.hk on or before 3:00 p.m. (Hong Kong Time) on 31 May 2024 (Friday). The number of representatives of each tenderer is limited to 2 persons. Confirmation of registration will be issued to the tenderer upon receipt of the signed reply slip. Late registration may not be accepted.
  3. Open tender is adopted. All interested service providers are invited to submit tenders.
  4. The tender is not covered by the Agreement on Government Procurement of the World Trade Organization.
  5. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region does not bind itself to accept the tender with the highest combined score or any tender, and reserves the right to negotiate with any tenderer about the terms of the offer.
  6. Details of the tender award will be published on the Health Bureau website at https://www.healthbureau.gov.hk/en/tender/240500_ncs/award.html
24 May 2024