Press Releases

Government to host open forum on women issues

A Focus Group discussion on Women Issues will be convened on Saturday (July 8) to solicit views from the community concerning the future Women's Commission and the recently-established Working Group on Sexual Violence.

"The Administration has recently undertaken two new initiatives to promote the well-being and interests of women in Hong Kong. To address women concerns in a more holistic, comprehensive and systematic manner, we shall establish a Women's Commission later this year. In addition, we have already set up in May an inter-departmental Working Group on Sexual Violence to ensure greater coordination of efforts among various departments and authorities in handling the problem of sexual violence," said Mr Robin Gill, Deputy Secretary for Health and Welfare, today (July 4).

"The main purpose of the Focus Group discussion is to solicit public views and input on the work and future direction of these two bodies. The Focus Group will discuss the functions, scope of responsibility, and priority areas for action in both the Women's Commission and the Working Group on Sexual Violence," Mr Gill added.

The Chief Secretary for Administration announced the establishment of a Women's Commission on 6 May 2000. The setting up of the Working Group on Sexual Violence was announced by Secretary for Health and Welfare in the motion debate in the Legislative Council held on 12 April 2000.

"The discussion will be open to the public," Mr. Gill continued. "We have already sent out invitations to more than 100 women groups and interested parties in Hong Kong. Over 120 persons representing 50 women NGOs have already indicated their interest in participating in the discussion."

The Focus Group meeting is being organized by the Health and Welfare Bureau and will be held on 8 July 2000 beginning at 8:45 am in the Government Secretariat Conference Hall. Parties interested in participating may call 2973 8258 for registration.

End/Tuesday, July 4, 2000


12 Apr 2019