Press Releases

Appointments to CLEIC Boards announced

The Government announced today (June 19) the appointment of two new members and re-appointment of seven incumbent members to the Criminal and Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation (CLEIC) Boards with effect from 19 June 2000. The appointment will be published in the Gazette on Friday (June 23).

The two new members who have been appointed for two years are Ms Lee Wan-wah, Christina and Mr Leong Kah-kit, Alan, SC. Ms Lee is a barrister with expertise in handling personal injury cases while Mr Leong is a Senior Counsel who is also serving as a member of the Independent Police Complaints Council.

The seven incumbent members re-appointed are -

Mr Chan Yau-yue

Mr Lam Kin-pui

Mrs Lee Kan Oi-ha, Gertrude Judy, JP,

Mr Ma Tao-li, Geoffrey, SC

Mr Wong Chi-keung, Johnny

Mr Wong Chun, Justein, JP

Mr Wong Sui-kwong, Luke.

Having served a long tenure of office on the Boards, Mr Ma Tao-li, Geoffrey, SC and Mr Wong Chun, Justein, JP have been re-appointed for a period of one year. The remaining five members have been re-appointed for a period of two years.

A Government spokesman said, "The CLEIC Boards draw together extensive experience from legal and non-legal professionals. We are confident that the new members, together with other incumbent members, will contribute to the successful operation of the Boards."

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Board and the Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation Board are responsible for administering the Criminal and Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation Scheme which is non-means tested. The aim of the scheme is to provide cash assistance to those victims suffering injuries, or their dependants in the case of fatalities, arising from a criminal offence involving the use of violence or the action of law enforcement officers using a weapon in the execution of their duty.

The following is an updated membership list of the Boards:-


Mr Michael Ozorio, SC


Mr Au Yeung Sung-fan

Mr Chan King-sang, Edward, SC

Mr Chan Wai-to

Mr Chan Yau-yue

Dr Cheung Kwong-yu, Hobby

Ms Chu, Dana

Mr Chun Fei-pang

Mr Chung Wai-hung, Gerard

Dr Fan Sheung-tat

Mr Hung Ling-man, Raymond

Mr Kwok Lam-kwong, Larry

Dr Lai Benjamin

Mr Lam Kin-pui

Ms Lee Kan Oi-ha, Gertrude Judy, JP

Ms Lee Wan-wah, Christina

Mr Leong Kah-kit, Alan, SC

Mr Liao Cheung-sing, Andrew, SC, JP

Ms Lo Kit-yee, Katherine

Mr Lo Wei-on, Nicholas

Mr Ma Tao-li, Geoffrey, SC

Mr Tsui Fuk-sun, Michael

Miss Tsui Pui-man, Winnie

Miss Tsui Suet-mui, Connie

Mr Wong Chi-keung, Johnny

Mr Wong Chun, Justein, JP

Mr Wong Kwong-chi, David

Mr Wong Pak-yuen, Leslie

Mr Wong Sui-kwong, Luke

Mr Yip Wing-shing, David

End/Monday, June 19, 2000


12 Apr 2019