Press Releases

Appeal for vigilance and support in tackling AIDS (with photo)

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The Under Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Gabriel Leung, today (December 1) called on the public for their unfailing support and active participation in the challenging and meaningful effort against AIDS.

Addressing a ceremony to launch 2010 World AIDS Day activities today, Professor Leung noted the importance of vigilance in view of the rise in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Hong Kong and the neighbouring region over the past few years, which presented a new challenge.

The Red Ribbon Centre of the Department of Health has responded by working with local non-governmental organisations and the MSM community to form an HIV prevention working group targeting MSM.

Professor Leung said that while HIV/AIDS still poses a major health threat to the world, the HIV infection rate has been kept at a low level in Hong Kong in recent years.

"The Government has allocated additional resources to strengthen control and preventive measures, maintain a high-quality treatment service and enhance exchange and co-ordination with organisations in other regions to tackle the pandemic," Professor Leung added.

Also speaking at the ceremony, the Controller of the Centre for Health Protection, Dr Thomas Tsang, said that to tie in with the theme of World AIDS Day, the Government and AIDS concerned parties had launched a series of activities to raise public awareness of the disease and promote acceptance of people living with HIV.

Publicity events include broadcasting of radio programmes and staging of a roving photo exhibition in various districts reviewing the work done in tackling AIDS over the past 25 years; launching of a photo competition; production of short film and print advertisements promoting safer sex and HIV tests, as well as co-hosting of a multi-city conference on prevention of HIV infections among MSM, to be held in Hong Kong between December 7 and 9.

To mark World AIDS Day, representatives from Hong Kong also took part in an AIDS prevention variety show in Shenzhen on November 28 and in Macao today to show support for China's AIDS preventive work.

World AIDS Day is dedicated to raising awareness about HIV/AIDS and demonstrating international solidarity in the face of the pandemic.

Other officiating guests at the ceremony included Director of Shenzhen Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Professor Cheng Jinquan; Secretary General of the AIDS Prevention and Control Commission, Macao SAR, Dr Lam Chong; Chairman of the Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS, Professor Chen Char-nie; Chairman of the Council for the AIDS Trust Fund, Professor T K Chan; Chairman of the Red Ribbon Centre Management Advisory Committee, Dr Samuel Yu, and Chairperson of the Hong Kong Coalition of AIDS Service Organisations, Ms Yuen How-sin.

Ends/Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Issued at HKT 17:26



12 Apr 2019