Press Releases

FHB statement on PAC report

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In response to media enquiries on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Report No. 53A , which covers control of western medicines, a spokesman for the Food and Health Bureau (FHB) said today (June 2) that the FHB accepted the comments by the PAC and had explained in the PAC public hearings the detailed monitoring mechanism of western medicine.

The spokesman said: "The FHB has instructed the Department of Health to actively follow up the recommendations in the PAC Report.

"We will also take swift actions to implement the 75 recommendations to enhance the regulatory regime of pharmaceutical products made by a Review Committee on Regulation of Pharmaceutical Products in Hong Kong, including upgrading the current standard of Good Manufacturing Practices; strengthening regulations on drug manufacturers, importers and exporters, wholesalers and retailers; tightening control of the import and export of pharmaceutical products; and the setting up of a dedicated office on drugs."

Ends/Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Issued at HKT 19:18


12 Apr 2019