Press Releases

Acting SFH receives report on scald incident of baby boy

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The Acting Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Gabriel Leung, today (April 29) stressed that health care workers should always maintain professionalism in delivering quality services with care and compassion.

He made the remarks after receiving the "Investigation Report on Scalded Baby Incident at Princess Margaret Hospital" from the Hospital Authority (HA).

The report revealed that the baby boy was scalded because the nurse concerned had not followed stipulated guidelines to test water temperature with the correct procedure when she bathed the baby.

Professor Leung said, "Human error was mainly responsible for this incident. The HA and hospital management should thoroughly study the report and improve on staff training and supervision so as to prevent recurrence of a similar nature."

He said that in accordance with the established mechanism, the HA should pursue disciplinary action in a fair and just manner as appropriate.

Professor Leung expressed his concern for the baby's condition and relayed his good wishes to the parents. He said, "I am happy to learn that the baby has been recovering well so far.

"Public confidence in the HA's services will no doubt be affected as a result of the incident. However, I am sure that all HA colleagues will continue to discharge their duties professionally, and with devotion and dedication in best serving members of the public," he said.

Ends/Thursday, April 29, 2010
Issued at HKT 16:41


12 Apr 2019