Press Releases
Research Council appointed
The Government today (September 19) announced the membership of the Research Council tasked to determine research agenda and funding control mechanism of the Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases, and the Health and Health Services Research Fund.
Reputable health experts are appointed as members of the Research Council. They are: Professor Joseph Lee, Professor Rosie Young, Professor Lam Tai-hing, Professor Jean Woo and Dr Loretta Yam.
The Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food / Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food is the chairman of the Research Council.
The terms of reference are:
*Determine research agenda and funding control mechanism of the Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases, and the Health and Health Services Research Fund.
*Approve procedures for inviting, and critieria for vetting research applications.
*Approve standard terms and conditions for grant-holders.
*Approve funding allocation after peer-review process.
*Approve processes for the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of approved research projects.
*Establish Grant Review Board to carry out the technical work of the Council.
*Disseminate key findings of funded projects.
The Finance Committee of the Legislative Council has approved on July 18, 2003 a commitment of $450 million to finance local research projects. The provision aimed to encourage, facilitate and support research on the prevention, treatment and control of infectious diseases, in particular emerging diseases such as SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome).
Research projects cover the etiology, surveillance, epidemiology of emerging infectious diseases, public health, basic, clinical and health services research.
A government spokesman said that the details on the application of the funds would be announced on September 29.
Following is a list of membership of the Research Council:
Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food / Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Professor Joseph Lee
Acting Chief Executive
Hong Kong Baptist Hospital
Professor Rosie Young
Honorary Professor
Department of Medicine
The University of Hong Kong
Queen Mary Hospital
Professor T H Lam
Chair Professor and Head of Department
Department of Community Medicine
The University of Hong Kong
Professor Jean Woo
Professor of Medicine
Chairman, Department of Community and Family Medicine
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr Loretta Yam
Chief of Service
Department of Medicine
Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Director of Health or representative
Chief Executive of Hospital Authority or representative
End/Friday, September 19, 2003