Press Releases
SHWF reiterates public health is top priority
The Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr Yeoh Eng-kiong, today (March 22) reiterates that public health is the Government's primary concern in the present outbreak of severe respiratory syndrome giving rise to pneumonia in healthcare personnel and family contacts.
He added that the Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee Hwa, shared this view in his recent briefing on the present atypical pneumonia outbreak.
Speaking at a stand-up media session after attending radio programmes this morning, Dr Yeoh stressed: "I just want to reaffirm that our primary concern must be public health as all the other things are secondary.
Dr Yeoh also refuted speculations that the Government had been hiding information on the recent outbreak fearing that the incident would affect Hong Kong's image.
"Our primary concern is not Hong Kong's public image, in terms of tourism or politics of it all. What we have been honestly trying to do is tp give the Hong Kong community the most accurate and the most recent information.
"I can assure you that we will continue to do this," he said.
As for the recent cases involving school children, Dr Yeoh said that the Government would re-examine the situation and evaluate the public health measures necessary to ensure the safety of the students. He would ensure this was done immediately.
"I also hope to launch investigation at the first instance on every cases so that we can contact the infected as early as possible, to place them under observation as early as possible so that they will not infect the others. The Department of Health is working towards this ends," he said.
End/Saturday, March 22, 2003