The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, today (May 17, Netherlands time) visited the Netherlands to learn more about the country's latest developments in primary healthcare services. Professor Chan (first left) is pictured with (from right) Professor Jessica Kiefte-de Jong, Professor Niels Chavannes, and Professor Douwe Atsma during a visit to Leiden University Medical Centre.
The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, today (May 17, Netherlands time) visited the Netherlands to learn more about the country's latest developments in primary healthcare services. Picture shows Professor Chan (third left) listening to a presentation by Professor Douwe Atsma (first right) on the primary healthcare services in the Netherlands during a visit to Leiden University Medical Centre.
The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan (second left), today (May 17, Netherlands time) learned more about the Netherlands' latest developments in primary healthcare services from Professor Douwe Atsma (first left) during a visit to Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands.
The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, today (May 17, Netherlands time) visited the Netherlands to learn more about the country's latest developments in primary healthcare services. Professor Chan is pictured with the Chief Executive Officer of Buurtzorg Nederland, Mr Josephus Bernardus Imelda de Blok (right).