The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan (third right), accompanied members of the Legislative Council to visit Aberdeen Market and Cooked Food Centre on July 3 and chat with stall tenants to understand their business.
The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan (second left), accompanied members of the Legislative Council to visit Aberdeen Market and Cooked Food Centre on July 3 and chat with stall tenants to understand their business.
The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan (first right), accompanied members of the Legislative Council to visit Wan Chai Market to understand the implementation of Market Modernisation Programme.
The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan (first left), accompanied members of the Legislative Council to visit Wan Chai Market to understand the implementation of Market Modernisation Programme.
The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan (first right), accompanied members of the Legislative Council to visit Shui Wo Street Market and Cooked Food Centre in Kwun Tong on July 3.