Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme


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As announced by the former Chief Executive in the 2020 Policy Address, the social unrest in 2019, together with the persisting COVID-19 epidemic since early 2020, have brought different levels of impact and influence on the mental well-being of the people in the community, so the Government decided to earmark $300 million under the Beat Drugs Fund for the aims of providing better support to the needy in the community and raising public awareness of mental health. The Advisory Committee on Mental Health (“ACMH”) is responsible for co-ordinating the initiative and working with service providers and non-government organisations in the relevant sectors to identify needs and set priorities, with a view to facilitating or promoting relevant projects.

The funding scheme named “Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme” is implemented by two phases. Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme were launched in July 2021 and June 2022 respectively, inviting eligible organisations to submit proposals to apply for funding support for the implementation of mental health projects.