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Appendix IV

List of Written Submissions Received During Healthcare Reform Public Consultation (Individual Submissions)

Index of Submissions
(Listed according to alphabetical order and the number of strokes of Chinese characters.)

Serial No. Name
I0901 林秀玲
I0902 Connie Lok
I0903 良心
I0904 Chan Chun Nam
I0905 Joseph Hu
I0906 Ho Hin Leung
I0907 TANG, Tsz Pun Albert
I0908 Danny Ho.
I0909 (Name not provided)
I0910 Gary Ho
I0911 auwin
I0912 張秀蘭
I0913 梁榮輝
I0914 李玉生
I0915 張家齊
I0916 Frank Au
I0917 譚以和
I0918 Bernard Hui
I0919 (Sender's name cannot be ascertained)
I0920 甄肇文
I0921 Yeung Yuk Wah
I0922 伍小姐
I0923 周碧香
I0924 Yu Suk Yee
I0925 Michael Chow
I0926 Ami Ng
I0927 Michael Kan
I0928 A group of public hospital doctors
I0929 Vinz
I0930 (The sender requested anonymity)
I0931 15位婦女聯署的意見
I0932 Yung Siu-yee
I0933 Ho, Mon
I0934 盧丹懷
I0935 Lim Tuc Hwai David
I0936 Raymond Yiu
I0937 鄺凱茵
I0938 市民
I0939 Jeffrey Yuen
I0940 TAM Mei Ling
I0941 a Hong Kong resident.
I0942 Arthur Tse
I0943 Jeffrey Yuen
I0944 Dr. YT Hung
I0945 KS Lau
I0946 劉成漢
I0947 wayne chan
I0948 Dr. HK Cheng
I0949 kenny
I0950 一名癲癇症病人
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1. There are 19 submissions which originators have requested confidentiality.
2. A total of 3,462 submissions are in identical standard forms.

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